Wednesday 27 April 2016



I was up already.
Usually, I try to sleep in till about 10am but I guess Bae forgot to tip toe when he woke up.(he does that so he wouldn't have to wake me up).
   So,I decided to do chores...just some basic cleaning,I really just wanted  everywhere to smell divine and feel refreshed plus I had a friend coming over.
while doing those chores,I reflected back to times I washed my Ex's dirty clothes,how I organized his wardrobe cos he was quite a scattered one,how I wash his dirty bathroom and I wondered,if I should still be doing the same thing all over again because alas he still broke up with me.
Still on the chores,
 I remembered a conversation I and my friend had about having someone to call when you are in need.She told me she once had accommodation issues and a guy gave her 100k. 

"Of course, I asked "did you sleep with the guy?"

Because honestly,that's the norm here in Nigeria...nobody ever gives you that kind of money unless:
1-juju is involved,
2-married guy(has slept with you over 100 times),
3-Runs(runs doesn't pay like that,unless juju is involved.

She said"No o!He is just my friend."

I don't know if she said that to impress me but it got me thinking about the highest emergency money anyone had given me and it's just 50k...I almost started comparing but stopped myself,she could be lying.I just lied about something we discussed just two seconds ago.
  Still on chores,I start to day dream and fantasize about this 6ft well built guy,(body toned to a fault)light skinned, owns a company,married to a beautiful sexy wife with two handsomely beautiful children.
Note that,he is not real.Ahem mm expect the light skin part(A certain rich somebody in Nigeria,who lives in Lagos).Lets say,6ft,owns a company...etc comes from a muse in Dame Caucus erotic stories.

Okay,back to my it starts with me in this beautiful married man's office,his zipper down,my back to him,pants down,dripping wetness,him struggling to put his dick inside me...and then I dunno,the story always always end there.Its not the first time I'm fantasizing about him.Infact sometimes when I can't sleep,I fantasize about him and I usually sleep off where I stopped,weird right?
Okay,"so why a married man?"

Because,they are the only ones who seem to know how to take care of a woman,provide her with all her needs and still fuck you senseless.
 Yes!sometimes a girl needs to be weak from fucking.

I'm done with chores,I check the time 10am...still early.i decide to brush out my hair and I get a call from my ex(The one I'm friendly with).
He wants to know how I'm doing(means,he wants to know if I have a boyfriend).In the past,I pretend I don't cos I dont wanna  rub my happiness in his face.I realise it makes him feel better when he thinks I'm not in a relationship(I dunno,maybe he thinks I'm still in love with him).
This time,I tell him the truth, I told him I was in Lagos to visit bae...I could almost see his shocked face.He said,"you  really do hate me,you didn't bother to let me know you were in town"I started explaining,dunno why,He started babbling...and then we decided we should see cos it's been 5years.

I said"come visit"He screamed No!(Drama)
He said"come visit"I obliged him and Said yes,cos I didnt want to hear sermon if I said no tho'I knew I wouldn't visit.We agree,end of conversation(THANK GOD).
He calls me back in like two seconds

"we can't see,cos if we do,our feelings will overwhelm the both of us and we will end up making love"I can't allow you do that to your boyfriend,and I also can't do that to my fiancée.
You know I have a fiancée now(me:I don't ,I don't care)She's 21 and I'm getting married next month.

"You are invited"

Me,congrats(In my head,Biko you are and who will make love??where are we going to meet to do that?).

And then it's 1.30pm,my friend is obviously not coming,so I decide to watch movies....3pm.....4pm....6pm,I get a call from a toaster,I've been avoiding his calls for months...


Well,I met him during the BVN brouhaha.I had decided that will be the day I get my BVN number...I went to the bank with a purpose,but it vanished immediately I saw the queue.I bet I looked like a lost lamb.I totally didn't know my left from right then this handsome looking guy walked up to me and said he could help.
"Go upstairs and wait by door 5,I will be with you in a minute"
"Ewoo,free help"I ran upstairs!

When he came upstairs,he was attending to someone so...while doing that,I looked at him properly,critically.
"Uhmmmm...fair,(escaped from albino kinda)cat eyes,Yes!👍,Average height,(oh well),clean shaven...perfecto!
Now,he attends to me...done in few minutes,he begs me to stay a bit,of course I wasn't gonna say no.
 Finally,we get talking,he introduces himself to me,asked me the basic toasting questions...then in the course of our conversation he says
  'I just want to let you know,"You Are A Mother"you are the kind of woman I would want to get married to.
  I stopped listening after the "Mother" word dropped.Abi marriage is written on my fore head and I'm unaware??


I decide to hear him out.He wants to see me.He doesn't mind coming to visit me in Lagos,I encourage him,I don't know why because obviously,he can't come because of his bank job and if he does,we wouldn't see cos I'm with bae...anyways,let's see if his talk about dying to see me will bring him to lag?yeah?

Now,bae is not speaking to me...I received the call in his presence.just maybe,I shouldn't have done that...He has been moody ever since.Or did he read my messages?but I changed my password.
Yes I did,I forgot his.I asked him to remind me,he said no...I simply changed mine.

Still not speaking with me,acting cold towards me.

"What's wrong"?

"I'm having a headache"

I know that's a lie but choose to ignore him anyways

As I'm typing this,I'm feeling sleepy but I'm sure in the mood to cuddle so I will ignore his"not in the mood to speak to me"and cuddle him cos he is my baby.

